About KCA



Promoting consumer awareness &
safety policy

  • Launched ‘T-price’, price information-providing portal site on daily necessities(www.price.tgate.or.kr)
  • Launched ‘T-gate’, price information-providing portal site (www.tgate.or.kr)
  • The Framework Act on Consumer entered into force, replacing the Consumer Protection Act
  • The name of Korea Consumer Protection Board changed into Korea Consumer Agency
  • 20th anniversary of the establishment of KCA was celebrated.
  • International Consumer Protection & Enforcement Network (ICPEN) Jeju Conference was held.
  • International Consumer Protection & Enforcement Network (ICPEN) Seoul Conference was held
  • ‘2005 Long-Term Plan on Consumer Protection’ was established.
  • ‘Consumer TV’ was broadcasted.
  • Happy Call system was introduced
  • ‘2004 Long-Term Plan on Consumer Protection’ was established
  • The Consumer Safety Center was established
  • KCPB’s 10th president was inaugurated
  • ‘2003 Long-Term Plan on Consumer Protection’ was established.
  • Consumer alert on Internet shopping mall ‘HalfPlaza.com’ was issued
  • The Working Group on Rationalization of Consumption was organized
  • Advisory Board consisting of professors was organized
  • Operation of Legal Assistance Group expanded
  • ‘Long-Term Action Plan on Consumer Policy’ was established
  • ‘2002 Long-Term Plan on Consumer Protection’ was established
  • The Institutional Framework Work Group was organized
  • The Working Group on Promoting Rationalization of Consumption was organized
  • Online Counseling Center was established
  • Business’ Voluntary Online Counseling system was introduced
  • ‘Shopping Infonet’ (price information network) was set up.
  • The 500th CDSC Meeting was held.
  • ‘Consumer Safety Net’ was set up.
  • International Seminar on Consumer Protection in Northeast Asia was held
  • KCPB’s 9th president was inaugurated
  • The Consumer Information Center was established
  • The Cyber Consumer Center was established.
  • The E-Consumer site was set up.
  • The Online Market Inspection System was operated
  • KCPB was designated as the Electric Commerce Resource Center (ECRC) by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Energy