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Consumer Dispute Settlement Commission Sets Compensation in Nexon Korea Corporation Maple Story Randomized Item Case 게시글 상세보기 - 등록일, 조회수, 첨부파일, 상세내용, 이전글, 다음글 제공
Consumer Dispute Settlement Commission Sets Compensation in Nexon Korea Corporation Maple Story Randomized Item Case
Date 2024-09-26 Hit 55

Consumer Dispute Settlement Commission Sets Compensation in Nexon Korea Corporation Maple Story Randomized Item Case

-Payment to be Made in Nexon Cash that Can be Redeemed for Cash, Total Compensation Set at an Amount Equivalent to KRW 1.1 Billion if Accepted-

The Consumer Dispute Settlement Commission (Chairperson Byun Ung-jae, hereinafter referred to as the “Commission”) has decided that, in relation to the collective dispute settlement suit regarding probability-based paid items in the Maple Story game (Red Cubes, Black Cubes), Nexon Korea Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Nexon”) should compensate each applicant 3.1% of the value of Red Cubes purchased and 6.6% of the value of Black Cubes purchased in the form of Nexon Cash, which shall be redeemable for cash*.

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