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Press Release

Most Safety Helmets and Water Play Equipment Purchased Directly from Overseas Fail to Meet Safety Standards 게시글 상세보기 - 등록일, 조회수, 첨부파일, 상세내용, 이전글, 다음글 제공
Most Safety Helmets and Water Play Equipment Purchased Directly from Overseas Fail to Meet Safety Standards
Date 2024-09-12 Hit 44

Most Safety Helmets and Water Play Equipment Purchased Directly from Overseas Fall Short of Safety Standards

-Selling branded sneakers at a discount and then taking further paymentsunder the guise of a subscription service-

Recently, there has been an increase in cases of products being imported into Korea through overseas direct purchase without having their safety verified.

Accordingly, the Korea Consumer Agency (President Yoon Soo-hyun) has been testing the safety of products being sold on overseas direct purchase platforms (AliExpress, Temu, Qoo10) that may be life-threatening in the event of an accident such as motorcycle helmets, children's products, cosmetics that are applied directly to the skin, and car air fresheners that may expose people to chemicals with results showing that 27 out of 88 products (30.7%) were confirmed not to meet domestic safety standards.

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