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KCA, distributed casebooks and manuals related to consumer damage arising from overseas direct purchases 게시글 상세보기 - 등록일, 조회수, 첨부파일, 상세내용, 이전글, 다음글 제공
KCA, distributed casebooks and manuals related to consumer damage arising from overseas direct purchases
Date 2018-07-05 Hit 945

KCA, distributed casebooks and manuals related to consumer damage arising from overseas direct purchases

- Available at‘Cross Border Transaction Consumer Portal (http://crossborder.kca.go.kr)’-


    As more consumers seek overseas transactions including overseas direct purchases, etc., consumer damages are mounting steadily. Last year, the number of consumer counseling cases related to overseas transactions reported at the ‘Cross Border Transaction Consumer Portal’ operated by the Korea Consumer Agency (President Hee-sook Lee) recorded 1,463 cases, up 305% compared to 361 cases in 2016. Consumers complained most about services related to accommodations, air tickets, etc. as well as products such as clothing, shoes, etc. directly purchased from overseas websites.

* Overseas transaction-related consumer counseling cases: 361 cases (2016)->1,463 cases (2017)->1,306 cases (May 2018)


    The KCA produced and distributed overseas transaction-related consumer counseling casebooks and manuals to prevent consumer damages arising from overseas transactions and help consumers actively respond to such damages.


    The casebook and the manual provide information about ‘consumer counseling cases’, ‘matters requiring attention’, and ‘ways to respond’ by item (e.g. clothing, shoes, accommodation, air ticket, etc.) frequently causing consumer damage. They also include information on how to use the portal (e.g. application for counseling services through the ‘Cross Border Transaction Consumer Portal’). More detailed information can be found at ‘Cross Border Transaction Consumer Portal(http://crossborder.kca.go.kr) operated by the KCA to help create a safe overseas purchase environment for consumers.


    In addition, in order to prevent damage caused to consumers due to overseas purchases, the KCA is providing a variety of information through the portal regarding guidelines for preventing consumer damages, customs duties, customs clearance process, parallel importation, etc.


    The KCA advised consumers to refer to its consumer counseling casebook before making overseas purchases to prevent damages, and to apply for counseling services at ‘Cross Border Transaction Consumer Portal’ according to its counseling manual in the case that disputes over damages were not resolved amicably.

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