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Consumer Counseling Trend of March 2016 게시글 상세보기 - 등록일, 조회수, 첨부파일, 상세내용, 이전글, 다음글 제공
Consumer Counseling Trend of March 2016
Date 2016-05-30 Hit 1767

Consumer counseling trend of March 2016

- Increase in comprehensive insurance cover, suit laundry service, and wedding related services -


    □ (Counseling cases) The number of consumer counseling cases reported in March 2016 ‘1372 consumer counseling center’ were 65,459, which is 18.9%(10,426 cases) increase from the previous month(55,033 cases), while 6.9%(4,873 cases) decrease compare to the same period last year(70,332 cases).




    □ (Top lists of increased percentage) Top listed products of increased percentage counseling compared to the previous month are as follows. ‘Comprehensive insurance cover’(123.4%), ‘suit laundry service’(111.6%), ‘wedding related services’(87.3%), ‘Shirts’(73.7%), ‘Sneakers’(64.5%) and others.


Comprehensive insurance cover

    ○ ‘Comprehensive insurance cover’ related counseling has increased 123.4%(116 cases) from the previous month(94 cases) to 210 cases.

    - ‘unfair practices’ ranked the highest accounting for 50.5%(106 cases). The most frequent question people asked was on termination of insurance due to difference between that of what people initially informed through advertisement or insurance company staff before they were insured and what they experienced after they were insured. Following complaints were on medical health cares including renewal on insurance and lack of explanation on insurance plans.  




Suit laundry service

    ○ Counseling on ‘suit laundry service’ has reached 438cases increased by 111.6 %(231 cases) from the 207 cases of the previous month.

    - The number of counseling on ‘Quality’ was the highest accounting for 62.8 %(275 cases) of the total counseling. Most of quality related counseling was on damage, stink, discolor and bleach.




Wedding related service

    ○ The number of ‘wedding related service’ counseling has reached 309 cases and it usually stipends in March. As of this year’s March, it increased by 87.3 % (144 cases) compared to the previous month (165 cases).

    - ‘Contract termination/penalty for breaching the contract’ related counseling was the highest accounting for 56.6 % (175 cases) of the total. If a person cancelled wedding service for personal reasons including diseases, breaking engagement and other reasons cancellation charges were the highest. Also there were many cases of counseling on return of down payment.





    □ (Most frequent counseling cases) One of the most frequent counseling cases was on ‘cellular phone/smart phone’(2,365 cases),‘Mobile telecommunication service’(2,035 cases), ‘fitness center·gym’(1,650 cases) and others.


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