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Beware of overseas purchasing agent “Real Crombie” 게시글 상세보기 - 등록일, 조회수, 첨부파일, 상세내용, 이전글, 다음글 제공
Beware of overseas purchasing agent “Real Crombie”
Date 2015-09-18 Hit 1940

Beware of overseas purchasing agent “Real Crombie”

-Late deliveries and refunds-


  Consumers need to beware of using Real Crombie, which is an online purchasing agent selling imported apparel brands, as complaints are being reported of late deliveries and refunds.


  According to the Korea Consumer Agency (www.kca.go.kr), from October 2014 to July 2015, consumer counseling requests related to Real Crombie (www.realcrombie.co.kr) reported to the 1372 Consumer Counseling Center* totaled 245 cases and redress requests made to the KCA totaled 19 cases.

  * 1372 Consumer Counseling Center (www.ccn.go.kr): An integrated nationwide hotline that receives consumer counseling requests, participated by 10 consumer organizations, 16 municipal/local autonomous bodies, and the KCA


<Consumer Counseling and Redress Requests involving Real Crombie>

(Jan. 2014 ~ Jul. 2015)





Real Crombie

245 cases

19 cases


  Among the counseling requests, 64.5% (158 cases) related to having cancelled an order due to late delivery but have not been refunded and that the site operator cannot be contacted.


  Since October 2014 when Real Crombie registered as a mail order business, consumer counseling requests continue to be reported monthly, with the number sharply rising in May and June 2015.


<Monthly Consumer Counseling Cases involving Real Crombie>

(Oct. 2014 ~ Jul. 2015)

(Unit: number of cases)














No. of cases















  Real Crombie appears to have offered additional discounts if paying cash. When consumers complained of late deliveries, the purchasing agent agreed to accept return of item purchased but was slow in processing order cancellations and providing refunds.


  As such, Real Crombie has been listed since May 21, 2015 on the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC)s website as one of the online shopping malls frequently involved in consumer disputes.*

  * How to view the list: visit the KFTC’s website → click “Publications” menu → click “Business operator information” → click “Business registration status” → click “Mail order business operators” → view list


  In cooperation with the Gangnam District Office (that has jurisdiction over the area in which Real Crombie registered business address), the KCA found that Real Crombie signed an agreement with a business center* which leases office space and receives mail (known as SOHO, short for Small Office Home Office) to use its address on the business registration certificate. The company’s main number is currently delisted.

  * Real Crombie has been evicted from the business center due to default in rent payment.


  In cases where consumers purchased more than KRW 200,000 worth of items with a credit card, outstanding payment cancellations can be made to the relevant credit card company; however, consumers who paid lump-sum or in cash may not be properly compensated.


  The KCA notified the respective government office on acts that are in violation of the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc., and stated that it will cooperate with relevant government offices and continuously monitor the electronic commerce market to prevent further consumer damages.


  Furthermore, in order to prevent consumer damages related to overseas online purchasing agents, the KCA advised consumers of the following: (i) beware of sites that sell high-end brands at excessively low prices; (ii) avoid sites that prefer cash payments or excessively charge for deliveries; and (iii) pay by installments when using credit cards and use secure escrow services.


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